Stormy night


Pale blue eyes 
like a quiet lake on a cloudy morning
opaque and impenetrable 
as it lacks depth. These eyes 

are unlike yours, 
who’s waters run as deep as the 
North Sea 
with its crashing white 
waves on a stormy night. 

Oh! How I’ve loved 
and I’ve lived. 
And lived and I’ve 
loved. You 

as a poet and writer, 
a creator of symphonies in word. 
Unlike very many others 
who have powerful words 

but weary eyes and hollow steps. 
Their homes are not where their poems live 
and their hearts are cold and steep,
their life a subversion of their real selves. 

Yours are in spring, the steps 
a rhythmic dance towards 
your core self 
unafraid as the lone warrior 
at daybreak on the battlefield. 

Your words, the sword
Your character, the armour. 
Waging the war on pessimism, 
inauthenticity and
too much comfort.

Your eyes the
persistent North Sea blue of 
Kattegat, on a stormy night 
pierced by flashes of white. 

Oh how I’ve loved 
and Ive lived in them 
a thousand times- each the lifespan of a supernova 
then I’ve died 
and been reborn again. 
-for MoltenIce



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