The Dogma of Betrayal
" I am my beloved, and my beloved is me."
-Song of Solomon
There is immense guilt and retrospection that surrounds one, on leaving a loved one. A loved one, perhaps a friend or a lover. There is no redemption even in forgiveness, although they may forgive you for leaving them and moving on, their eyes speak volumes of all the pain that you seem to have endured them through. But what is the meaning of "leaving" someone? Is it that you are not on the same page as them anymore, you don't aspire the same things..or that you wish that they were someone they are not? I can only imagine where the chasm of separation began and why did the cracks widen so much that both of us shudder, as we rip apart from each other. Shaky breaths, violent minds, torn hearts and the game of blame. Experiences, from music, movies, people are the raw materials to the concoction that an individual's mind creates- ideas. Each mind is a vessel for these creations, and each mind innovates differently even with the same stimuli of course. The approach, the way in which the brain synthesizes and manifests it into the physical dimension, that is proprietary and the "key to attraction" that is beyond the flesh. It is unknown, uncontrollable and unpredictable. The playing field of this kind of attraction is higher, on the level of ideas, personas, philosophies and journeys. This process leads to a state of mind that evolves and is susceptible to changing. An evolution of discovering yourself anew from within, ignited by experiences that may or may not be common to your lover. Discovering yourself cannot stop, otherwise you will die when you're alive. And to stay on the same page becomes an ever difficult task.The variables that determine this process of synthesis by the brain, are too many and seek gratification through synergy of thought, desires and body. The operating word here, being 'synergy'. This is what affects whether we leave someone or not. Because we have changed and because we don't think in the same ways anymore. The guilt handicaps the mind further and leaves room for doubt on whether the act was justified. They speak of betrayals.. and cruelty. They expect respect but don't respect your choices. The choice of change. The choice of making your life more difficult, choosing to challenging yourself to scale higher mountains, of rejecting the comfort of familiarity. They do not want you to rediscover yourself. They do not want you to live. They only want you to stay. Stay with them.
But, for me, freedom is love, and vice versa.
So, love them and leave them, and don't look back, for loving doesn't just mean to keep up with me running alongside, but it means, to make me soar above and for me to see you fly with me and make you soar.
- On a broken day, for broken hearts.
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