Quiet before the Storm
Sunshine pours softly in, through the lenses of your eyes But it's flickering silently disappearing. The shadow cast by this sunlight long and steady. They remain still as the light burns bright, Deepening darkly, as you shut your eyes. The blackness seeps inside, creeping into my being my lips turn white. I want you to open your eyes. Long, endless sighs of yearning Only that which is unfulfilled is sought relentlessly. But, the answers, they lie completely within. Will you answer? Open your eyes. The light I seek shines outside of you. I am bathed in your glory. Your tenacious spirit, shared with mine. Bound only by time, Freedom running amok. Fear. Fear of losing this glory. Your glory, my glory? The very nature of fear defeated by switching from ignorance to knowledge. You open my eyes, Till I pour out my own light. My light, Our light. - For my Fire Blood