
Showing posts from November, 2016

Quiet before the Storm

Sunshine pours softly in, through the lenses of your eyes But it's flickering silently disappearing. The shadow cast by this sunlight long and steady. They remain still as the light burns bright, Deepening darkly, as you shut your eyes. The blackness seeps inside, creeping into my being my lips turn white. I want you to open your eyes. Long, endless sighs of yearning Only that which is unfulfilled is sought relentlessly. But, the answers, they lie completely within. Will you answer? Open your eyes. The light I seek shines outside of you. I am bathed in your glory. Your tenacious spirit, shared with mine. Bound only by time, Freedom running amok. Fear. Fear of losing this glory. Your glory, my glory? The very nature of fear defeated by switching from ignorance to knowledge. You open my eyes, Till I pour out my own light. My light, Our light. - For my Fire Blood

Limitations of mind and money.




Stealing from Time

We have been stealing from time, living on borrowed days,                 borrowed hours,                 borrowed seconds. We live more than others. We live in minutes, what others use an entire lifetime for. We get more out of every second, in the depth of your gaze, in the intentions of your knowing smile, in the tug of your lips. Worlds are created and destroyed in our breaths. Every single touch, every single word and every single meeting, ignites fire in different parts of me, till I become an inferno A burning mass of ideas, energy and love, creating as I consume you, me, everything. A higher state of being, unattainable by most out of reach of the rest of the world. We soar together into a flight marked in its entirety  by possibilities, desire and most of all,  freedom. It is not that I cannot fly without you, but I cease to...

The Origin

"To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all." - Oscar Wilde Who are you? Why are you alive? What are you on this planet for? Only 'keys' are not plagued by existential questions, such as I have stated above. The meaning of life has been delved into by many philosophers. I will not be indulging you into any of these theories rather I wish to examine the factors that affect these concerns of existence. A remote sense of third person perspectives, of zooming out of circumstances in a situation, however pleasurable it may be, renders one capable of questioning 'why'. In the event of unhappiness, one usually asks 'god' , but even in the event of ecstasy, a person does feel the unearthly, surreal touch of the situation and try to see them from a zoomed out perspective either to capture the moment eternally or to judge its authenticity. This sense is inborn and natural and if you can understand what I'm saying then yo...

The Dogma of Betrayal

" I am my beloved, and my beloved is me." -Song of Solomon There is immense guilt and retrospection that surrounds one, on leaving a loved one. A loved one, perhaps a friend or a lover. There is no redemption even in forgiveness, although they may forgive you for leaving them and moving on, their eyes speak volumes of all the pain that you seem to have endured them through. But what is the meaning of "leaving" someone? Is it that you are not on the same page as them anymore, you don't aspire the same things..or that you wish that they were someone they are not? I can only imagine where the chasm of separation began and why did the cracks widen so much that both of us shudder, as we rip apart from each other. Shaky breaths, violent minds, torn hearts and the game of blame. Experiences, from music, movies, people are the raw materials to the concoction that an individual's mind creates- ideas. Each mind is a vessel for these creations, and each mind innov...