
Showing posts from February, 2021


Sometimes I think and feel that the valves of my heart are made of taut steel or maybe spider thread.   They say that the latter is stronger.   When the place you belong to where you are from, it                                      throws you out. Pushed inside out, first, they turn against each other and become wolves Then, turn you in to the wolves.   When all you’ve wanted is to belong. When all I’ve wanted is to belong, and let my heart be, butter melting through slender fingers, to                                             ...

Ocean feels



  They say youth possesses an endless reservoir of energy, a token of innocence and un-couthness charms alive and once, twice, thrice, abundant chances to make mistakes in those years of fecundity and debauchery.   Another gift of youth is time , And it’s on our side a meritorious pal, witness to our growth from mal- nourished in love and its notions to a connoisseur of love and its potions of affection; towards society although some of us can’t tell yes from no while others live in involuntary piety But both have not the object that runs it most often than not and that is dollar bills   That milling workers spill only in their mid-thirties, when wallets grow wings and time runs thin while energy… well, is hopefully sky-high.   Unlike, later while life’s vitals run a death march an inverse of youth, when pockets and bank accounts grow heavy with long years of restraint, of iron chains and blind f...